Tuesday, October 12, 2010


There is something I really hate and that's our human faults.

I hate when you have something to say, but the words never come out right.
I hate when you have a mom who never calls or texts or facebooks you or ANYTHING.
I hate not feeling good enough.
I hate feeling alone.
I hate when you have friends, but you're not sure if they really care about your feelings.
I hate having so much to do but no motivation to do it.
I hate not having someone to talk to that will just listen.

There is also somthing I really love and that's God's love and grace.

I love how no matter how mixed up my words are God know's EXACTLY what i'm trying to say.
I love how even though my mom isn't always here, God sends other people in my life to fill in those places.
I love how with God, i am good enough.
I love how with God I will never be alone.
I love how God cares about how i feel.
I love how with God, through all the chaos and "to-do lists," i can find rest in Him.
I love how with God, when i feel like theres no one I can pour my feelings and thoughts out too, I can turn to God in prayer.

I love that God loves me and He's is all I really need.

That's really all I have to say.